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GS36b  (called 4CX400 by Svetlana USA)
Transmitting power tetrode at frequencies up to 75 MHz.

Svetlana specifies this tube to 500MHz
also the russian databook says 75 MHz !!!

Uh  6.3 +/- 0.6 V  @  3.15 +/-  0.2 A
Input capacitance    24 +/- 6 pF
Output capacitance   7 +/- 2 pF
Feed-through         <= 0.08 pF
Ua      2.1 kV
Ug2  325 V
Ug1 -60 V
Ic      0.4 A
Pa     400 W
Pg2   8 W
Pg1     0.2 W
total length       67 mm
max. diameter  51 mm
total weight       220 g
GS36b pg_1 (TIF)

GS36b pg_2 (TIF)

GS36b pg_3 (TIF)

GS36b pg_4 (TIF)